All the water in the world

All the water in the world
Author: George Ella Lyon
Illustration: Katherine Tillotson
Genre: Nonfiction: Biography and Informational Book
Grade Level: PreK – 4thgrade

Ever wonder what happens to all these water in the world? Well, wonder no more. This book talks about where the water ends up, how the water is used, where does it flow, what do we use for and how it is made. The start with that the water flows out of the hose and that we, animals and plants rely heavily on it for survival. Then it moves to how the water goes around through evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Then it moves to the sound the rain makes when it hit the roof, street, and houses. Then finally it reminds the readers to be nature concise and to help the earth stay green.

The book is written in a style of poetry. Many of the pages are very much style like concrete poetry. The text is all different fonts, some bold, some italics, some large and some small but it is perfectly mush together to form an excellent style that works in explaining about water. The illustrations are collaged and are very colorful that will surely pick an interest of younger readers.

I love this book. Even in just a few pages, this book tells a lot about what the young readers need to know about water. I would definitely read this book to my students because not just is it informational, but it is a fun book.  I can use this book to teach students during science lesson and also during an art lesson. I could teach ways we could collage which I can already imagine will be a fun lesson teach!  


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