“My First Book of Poems”

My First Book of Poems
Genre: Poetry
Grade Level: Pre-k to 3rd grade

The book starts with a poem from an unknown writer which is titled “MR NOBODY.” A bit ironic! The book is a collection of poems that is very easy to read. The poems are relatively short versed and are very much related to things that the children would understand. The illustration correlates with the poem which is very helpful for the children. It will help them connect the illustration with the poem. For example, “The Goops” by Gelett Burgess is one of the poems featured in the book. The poem is well balanced as illustration is at the top while the text is at the bottom. The poem talks about the characters called the “Goops” being a messy, loud, fast eater. It is basically talking about how little babies eat. The illustration perfectly illustrates little babies on the table throwing food and eating out loud which is sweet and a bit funny!


The book is just as the title says. It is perfect for the first-time poem readers. I am not much of a poem person so I was happy that the poems were short and simple. There is no deeper meaning behind the words as the adult’s poetry are but nevertheless, I still enjoyed reading all of them. This will be a perfect book for the K to 3rd grade students because they can select ant poem from the rich selection. It is short and the illustration will surely lure them into reading the poems! 


  1. Kai -- "The Goops" is one of the first poems my teacher taught us in first grade. I have never forgotten that poem. And, yes, she was also teaching us about manners by using that poem.


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